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Create a Bill of Lading (BOL)

For larger orders being shipped using a freight carrier, Allocadence can generate printable Bills of Lading (BOLs) with most of the basic information already populated for you.


  • You must have one freight carrier set up with the “Use Bill of Lading Engine” attribute enabled.  To create one:  Admin -> System -> Shipping -> Carriers and click the “Add Carrier Account” button.  Fill in the details and be sure to check the appropriate box to enable BOL generation for the carrier.
  • You must have at least one Commodity created for populating BOL info.  To create one:  Admin -> Items -> Commodities -> click the “Add Commodity” button in the upper right.  Fill out all required info and save.

Marking an order shipped by generating a BOL

1.  From the Orders -> Ready to Ship screen, select the option for “Shipping – Bill of Lading” mode at the top.
2.  Select one or more orders to include in the BOL by checking the boxes next to them on the right.  You can filter the orders first if needed by using the Actions menu in the upper right.
3.  Enter any internal shipping notes, # of packages, and total weight in the fields shown for each order.
4.  Once all chosen orders are selected and required info is filled in, click the “Enter Carrier Info” button at the top of the screen to continue.
5.  From the Enter Carrier Info screen, select your freight carrier from the dropdown in the upper left and click the green “+” button.
6.  Fill in all blanks with the appropriate info, including the Commodity selection from the dropdown.  You may click the “+” button again to add additional lines if needed.  When finished, click “Next” to continue.
7.  Add any special instructions, select freight terms, and click the “Confirm and Print” button to finish generating the BOL.  A PDF version should open in a new tab (if not, check your browser’s pop-up blocker settings).
8.  You’re done!  All orders included in your BOL will be moved to Dispatched status automatically at the end of this process.

Updated on July 9, 2019

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