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Configure Basic System Settings

Allocadence provides the ability to customize many functions to better fit your work flow. To review and adjust the basic system settings, navigate to the Admin tab and click “System”.

Basic Settings Variables

PO Prefix: Adds a specified text or numeric prefix to purchase order numbers.
PO Number Length: Formats the auto-generated PO number to fit a certain number of characters (for example, order #23 with a required PO number length of “4” would result in that order being designated “0023”).
CO Prefix: Adds a specified text or numeric prefix to customer order numbers.
CO Number Length: Adds a specified text or numeric prefix to customer order numbers.
GS1 Company Prefix: Used to generate Bill of Lading numbers where applicable.
Staged Delivery: Should Items be marked as Put Away as soon as they are received, or is there a staging location where Items will be placed prior to putting away? If Staged Delivery is not checked, Items will be put away to their default locations automatically.
Specify Put Away: Should the Put Away Location of Items be selected during the Receiving process? If checked, this will override the Staged Delivery setting.
Move inventory and confirm in one step: Should Items be automatically confirmed as moved to their target location when a move is requested? Otherwise, movements will require confirmation at their target location.
Allow incomplete/partial shipping of orders: Allows you to allocate available stock and ship a partially filled order. You may return and allocate additional items to complete the order in a separate shipment as new stock arrives.
Support 3PL: Enables 3PL features for client management and assigning individualized inventories.
Own Inventory: When 3PL is enabled, this setting allows the master account to own inventory separate from the 3PL Clients.
Support Quick Issue: Allow quantities of products to be dispatched from inventory on demand without being associated to a specific order or transfer request.
Auto Allocate Customer Orders: When a customer order is received, stock is immediately earmarked for the order. If not checked, item allocation will be a separate step in the process to be completed by a user.
Auto Pick Allocated Customer Orders: When items are allocated to an order (either manually or automatically), the appropriate stock quantity is immediately marked as “Picked” and decremented from inventory, and the order is progressed to the “Ready to Ship” status. If not checked, item picking will be a separate step in the process to be completed by a user.
Auto Pick Printed Customer Orders: Same effect as above, but in reference only to orders that have had a pick list generated and sent to the printer.
Allow orders to be allocated from other warehouses: Stock in warehouses other than the default may be allocated to fulfill orders.
Inventory expiring soon alert threshold (Days): Determines how far in advance an alert is sent when items are approaching their expiration date.
Picking Mode: Toggles between order based picking and wave picking (items/group based).
One to One Pick Scanning: When enabled, each scan with a barcode scanner will simply increment a running total by 1.
Display City & State in Customer SAYT: Provides some added location detail when searching for customers.

Updated on July 3, 2018

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